On Wednesday 14th April, 2010, Rose & Thistle Mark Lodge held the Installation of Bro. Norman Meadows into the chair. At that meeting he presented the following cheque's to the Representative of the Rt.W. Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Stuart Brackstone. £200 to the Pemberton Hall Building Fund and £450 to the West Lancashire Mark Masonic Charities, with the wish that £200 should be given towards the West Lancs Charity expected donation to Help for Heroes and £250 to be given towards the cost of a laptop for the Young Oncology Unit at Christie's.

This donation was made by the Lodge in memory of W.Bro. Harry Fairhurst (IPM) and Bro.Peter Ball (SW) who have sadly died within the last year and had received treatment at Christie's. It was also made with grateful thanks for the successful treatment of W.Bro. Roger Crook (Charity Steward) and W.Bro. Chris Furmston (Secretary) who had both received treatment at Christie's within the last year.

The laptop is one of a number that the Young Oncology Unit at Christie's require, for use by the children receiving treatment there, to make their stay as comfortable as possible.

Below is Roger Crook (Charity Steward), Howard Newhall, Community Fundraising Officer and Chris Furmston (Secretary)

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This archive article courtesy of Chris Furmston